Taxing multinationals in a globalized world
DemoTrans kick-off meeting

DemoTrans kick-off meeting

CORPTAX researchers took part in the kick-off meeting of the DemoTrans project, a new Horizon Europe project that began on September 1, 2022. The project will last for four years. There are five members of the consortium of DemoTrans: in addition to the CORPTAX research group at Charles University, the consortium includes KU Leuven (which is the leading institution of the project), the University of Bergen, Utrecht University, and the Tax Justice Network. The website of the project is now online and can be found here.

The kick-off meeting took place on September 1-2, 2022, at KU Leuven. At the meeting, the members of the consortium discussed the objectives of the project, timelines, and the plan of activities and deliverables.

DemoTrans is funded by the European Commission in its Horizon Europe framework (grant 101059288).